個人.家庭.數位化 - 數位之牆

產業動態 阿拉丁協助企業解決身份認證問題
玉山科技 本新聞稿發佈於2008/06/11,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關

Alalddin eToken 兼顧安全與便利, 應用包括: 網路登入(network login) VPN 安全登入 網頁身份密碼(Web sign-on) 單一登入(SSO) 動態密碼(OTP) 檔案/硬碟/電郵加密 PKI金鑰憑證載具

■ 發布/輪播新聞稿 新聞稿直達14萬電子報訂戶刊登新聞稿:按此
玉山科技取得Aladdin eToken 身份認證產品台灣地區經銷權

Aladdin eToken 提供雙因素身份認證(Two-Factor Authentication)解決方案

網路登入(network login)
VPN 安全登入
網頁身份密碼(Web sign-on)


In today’s business world, security in general - and user authentication in particular
- are critical components in enabling business and protecting sensitive corporate
information. By implementing strong user authentication solutions, you enable your
customers, partners, and employees to boost their productivity by using your business
applications wherever they are – in the office, at home, or on the road.
In a business world that requires your organization to be compliant with key
industry regulations such as HIPAA, FDA, Sarbanes Oxley and Basel II, strong user
authentication is a critical element in protecting information and individuals’ privacy.
Passwords, the primary tool for user authentication, can be easily stolen, lost, shared
or cracked. Due to the need to manage multiple passwords and to ensure the
effectiveness of passwords used, organizations have adopted stringent password
policies. This has translated into more complex passwords and consequently, made
them more difficult to remember. To cope, users are writing their passwords down,
compromising the security they were meant to improve.

Aladdin eToken provides strong authentication and password management solutions, offering:
• Enhanced security and ensured safe information access
• Cost-effective password management
• A means to safely carry your personal digital credentials with you, wherever you go
About the size of an average house key, Aladdin eToken is an easy to use and highly portable USBbased
smartcard device. It enables both users and IT/security administrators to more effectively
manage the authentication process by securely storing passwords, PKI keys and digital certificates,
and other personal credentials onboard the eToken.

- 新聞稿有效日期,至2008/07/11為止

聯絡人 :Services

上一篇:暑假上網大FUN送! 省荷包賺知識
下一篇:Teradata動態資料倉儲 加速中國郵政速遞服務業務起飛



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個人.家庭.數位化 - 數位之牆

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